Créditos fotográficos: Hugo Grilo
- Place: Pedestrian area of Av. Heliodoro Salgado
The aV // Jam meetings take place monthly in various national and international venues, with video-art being their main focus. They bring together musicians and video artists from around the world for visual and sound improvisation sessions. The embassy that travels to Sintra will surprise by its originality, diversity of languages, and musical quality.
- Portugal
André Gastão is a visual artist in the VJing area. He started VJing in 2007, as Motionpunk Visuals, attending some clubs as well as several electronic and cultural festivals. He studied Motion Design at ETIC and since then has also started producing content. In 2015 participated with a installation of Graffiti Mapping, together with the artist Menau in the Som Riscado Festival. In 2017, VJ ZAZ and DATA7 he started to perform aV//Jam, where Vj's and musicians express themselves through their arts in a free and spontaneous form.