Between Thursday and Sunday, by Sintra’s City Council initiative, AURA Sintra’s 2019 Welcome Center is a privilege place to test your knowledge about the Environment, with AmbiQuiz. Here you can also see 11 videos made in Sintra schools on how to take care of the environment.
AmbiQuiz tests your knowledge of the environment and natural resources and, with the support of Sintra City Council, is played through a digital tool in which several quizs are launched and can be answered anonymously.
The answers are given through smartphone and it’s not necessary to install any type of software nor provide informations of personal character.
To play, visitors just need to go to www.menti.com and enter the code that is available at the AURA Sintra’s Welcome Center from the 1st of August on.
To develop a better knowledge on how to take care of the environment is the central theme of 11 videos done in Sintra’s schools, that are shown at the Welcome Center: “DAC 5B_2ªP”, “Comemoração do Dia Mundial da Árvore e das Florestas”, “Aepas no 4.º VS - Solar Challenge”, “Aepas Carnaval 2019”, “Eco-Escolas 3ºP”, “Eco-Escolas 2ºP”, an excerpt from a vídeo inspired by Antonio Fanha’s story "O dia em que o mar desapareceu", “Planeta Azul-Amigos do Ambiente”, “Estrela do Mar” and “Dança-Planeta Saudável” and “Juntos protegemos o Oceano - Kids Dive da Terrugem”.
And to apply what we have just learned and reduce our negative environmental impact, in Street Food area you will find the Ecocabide, that allies art to sustainability.
Created by Sintra’s City Council, each Ecocabide carries a recycling ecobag with the 3 known colors: blue for paper, green for glass and yellow for plastic and metal.
When it passes by you, just put the trash in the bag with the right colour.