The light is the ability to look beyond the visible - the visible is lightning - the invisible is to go beyond this immediate lighting. Can someone without the ability to see with naked eye still light, or better yet, the lighting?
Someone who can’t see with the naked eye can still see the light, or better, the lighting? Citing Evgen Bavcar (a blind photographer and Professor of philosophy of aesthetics at the National Centre for Scientific Research - CNRS, Paris): “I was once asked: ' do you think we can show a blind from birth person what is a shadow? ' I replied: ' Yes, it's very simple. The shadow of a pyramid is a triangle and the shadow of a globe is a circle, that is, a born blind is able to imagine and even touch in geometry.”
Aura Festival creates atmospheres of Light in the cultural landscape of Sintra. We invite you to a journey between the Volta do Duche and Quinta da Regaleira, where we present ten art installations and audiovisual media in the street at night. A festival that you can only take place here due to the obscurity of the village, the quality of the night.
For the first time, Aura’s 5th Edition, will offer a visit with audio description*, so as not to exclude people with any kind visual impairment. The visit will take place in August 2nd, starting at 9 p.m. at the Welcome Centre (by the Largo Virgílio Horta, Volta do Duche). This initiative is carried out in collaboration with Acesso Cultura.
The tour is free, but booking is required.
For bookings and registrations please contact: info@cosmica.pt/aurafestival Tel: 967 354 817
* An additional audio track for the blind and visually impaired people in general, consumers of visual media, including television, cinema, theatre, dance, Opera and the Visual Arts is available. It consists of a narrator who, throughout the presentation, will describe what is happening (and it's not perceptive through hearing) during the natural pauses in the audio and sometimes during dialogue when deemed necessary.